2.5 Gbit Network Connectivity in Cloud Hosting
When you order a cloud hosting service from our company, you'll be able to take advantage of the multi-gigabit routes we use, regardless of the location of your account. We offer excellent connectivity in all data centers - in Chicago (USA), in Coventry (UK) and in Sydney (Australia), so any Internet site hosted within them will load very quick all the time. Each of the 3 facilities has direct fiber connections to other major cities on the respective continents, in addition to overseas cities, so how quickly your websites will open depends entirely on your visitors’ Internet connection. By using redundant providers, we ensure that there will not be any kind of service interruptions due to a slow or bad connection. We also use new powerful hardware to be sure that the network in the data centers can handle high traffic volumes without affecting the speed or the overall performance of the websites.
2.5 Gbit Network Connectivity in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The semi-dedicated hosting accounts that we offer you are created on our outstanding website hosting platform and if you get any one of the plans, you can take advantage of a multi-gigabit connection. Our modern data center in the downtown area of Chicago uses a variety of Internet backbone service providers and the most up-to-date hardware to help the access to any website hosted there in addition to the inner traffic between the clusters that are part of our platform. Thanks to the terabit fiber-optic connection to both the East Coast and the West Coast, the data center will help you reach an incredible number of online users in North America. We've got hardware firewalls to be sure that the channel capacity shall be used only for legitimate traffic to your websites.